The Power of a Professional Designer

Business owners walk a fine line trying to present a professional face to their clientele while still keeping costs down.  Oftentimes we look for ways we can do things ourselves rather than paying someone else to do them, to save some money. But there are times when paying a professional is money well spent, like with electrical work or tree removal. The risks there are unacceptably high for a DIY-er. So what risks do you incur when you don’t spend enough on your design budget? Now we’re not saying that doing your own graphic design can be hazardous to your health. But it can be costly in terms of how your business is perceived, if your marketing is aesthetically below standard.

That’s where a sign company with full time, experienced graphic designers can help.

Logo Design: The First Building Block

Take, for example, our friends at Hauppauge Integrated Wellness Group. They contacted us in need of a new lobby sign using their new logo, and we were excited to take the job. But like many business owners they didn’t have (or even really know they needed) a high resolution vector file that we could use for production. Here is the image they provided, a jpg which is “rasterized” which is why the lines are all jagged and pixelated. This file was not useable for a final product.

Luckily, our designers are experienced in taking a raster file and converting it into the type of file we need–a “vector” file which has smooth edges and can be infinitely enlarged without losing resolution. The software we use, Adobe Illustrator, can even do this for us with a click of a button. But this is where the difference in a professional versus an enthusiastic amateur is clear. The software can only do so much, and as you can see below the automated process rendered text that is oddly lumpy, and has letters attached to one another. Could we use this as a production file to make a sign? Certainly. But would a customer be happy with the finished result? Unlikely.


Close up of the initial render


The Value of Experience

Our designer wasted no time trying to pass this vector off to production. Instead, he dove into his resources to find a font that was as close as possible to the one used in the logo. Many times we can find the exact font and recreate the text easily. But in this case he had to utilize a font that had similar letters and custom adjust them as needed to match the logo font. This is a painstaking, time-consuming process that was absolutely crucial for a professional finished sign. The letters are now crisp, individual, and ready for production.

The completed vector file

See the end result and judge for yourself:

For a good sign, start with a good design.

What Are the Real Costs?

The next time you need signage, you can put yourself and your business in the hands of a sign company like Signwave that refuses to compromise on the importance of good design and visual impact. Or you can take your chances and potentially have to live with a sign you don’t love, or that you have to pay to have redone.

Signage For Interior Design – High School Cafeteria

We’re always glad for the chance to collaborate with  talented Interior Design professionals like Mary D’Andrea of MDA Designs, who recently brought us in on a High School Cafeteria renovation project. Mary shared her vision with us of a design based around the school color palette, the school’s mascot, and the school’s values. And the opportunity for customization of a dramatic architectural feature that will last for generations.

Roll-Up Cafeteria Door Logos

Each slat is fully covered by custom printed vinyl graphics, laminated for durability.

First on our list was generating school pride with custom graphics on the rollup cafeteria doors. We designed circular logos and printed them on conformable vinyl that would permit flexibility required by their routine heavy use. We applied a layer of laminate that would help protect the graphics for many years of washing (and the wear and tear that we anticipated they would receive on a daily basis). Installation required precise levelling and  alignment, and careful cutting between each door segment.

Dimensional Letters

In the space above the doors, we collaborated on two sets of dimensional letters spelling out their slogan “Home Of The Friars.” We selected black PVC as the optimal material for these, as it has the tolerance for the thin strokes of the school’s font selection, and to provide a high contrast for maximum legibility. In all it makes for a dramatic approach, doesn’t it?

“Word Cloud” Wall

Beautiful printed vinyl in custom logo colors gives the impression of dimensionality.

The designer collaborated with the school’s decision makers to come up with a series of words and phrases reflecting the school’s mission and values. We created typographical art with a collage of the words they came up with. After several iterations, it was time for color matching. The visible color of printed material can vary significantly under different types of light, so to make certain of our fidelity to the school colors we brought sample prints and held it under the actual cafeteria lighting. After all was approved, and printing and lamination complete, we installed our graphic treatment on the cafeteria’s walls.

Cast Brass Logo Plaque

Finally, we were asked to create a large cast plaque to be mounted on a custom glazed tile wall. The wall was to become the dramatic backdrop for a water feature – a functioning waterfall and catch basin. Because the plaque would be mounted behind the glass of the fountain, we opted for the high visibility of brilliant polished brass with oxidized bronze inset areas. We were able to capture all of the logo details in our design, and engrave and finish in solid brass to assure decades of beauty. A cast plaque is among the most durable of signage materials, and is sure to leave its mark for generations.

Thank you to MDA Designs for sharing this great opportunity with Signwave. We’re proud to make our contribution to your design vision.

A side view of the crowning piece, the custom engraved bronze plaque

Project Spotlight: Studio631

Full Facility Signage for Offices

Today we’re proud to spotlight a recent full facility signage project for Studio631 Recordings in Islandia. Studio631 provides a professional studio experience for artists at every stage of recording whether you’re a performer or a producer. Niko and Matt came to Signwave as they were building out their new space on Patco Court, knowing that they needed a combination of bold branding and clear wayfinding. Using their logo, Signwave put together a custom package that solved all their challenges both creatively and practically.

Exterior Facility Signs

Initially the owners only wanted exterior signage. Because the building management has established signage design standards, we created a painted pan face overdoor sign with clean lettering to match the other building tenants. But we added the company logo to the door in cut white vinyl for a little individuality.

cut vinyl on a painted pan face sign plus cut vinyl on glass door

The exterior signage meets the landlord’s requirements while still utilizing the logo font for individuality.

Custom Lobby Sign

As we worked together, Niko and Matt developed a trust in our design and fabrication expertise and asked us for ideas for a lobby sign. We were able to create a very modern clear acrylic panel sign with dimensional painted letter and flat cut black vinyl, all mounted to the wall on standoffs. The different levels of material in the sign create multiple visual effects with light and shadow, and the owners loved the beautiful finished product.

clear acrylic with dimensional letters and vinyl on standoffs

The logo sign for the Studio 631 lobby wows with several layers of dimension: a clear acrylic panel with dimensional letters layered over black cut vinyl, on standoffs so the shadows add even more depth.

Custom Flag Signs

As we worked on the lobby sign, they realized it would be necessary to mark each studio with a separate wayfinding sign. So Signwave went to work again to create a custom design that would fit the studio aesthetic while providing clear direction to the various locations down the hallway. Our final design gives the impression of an old school vinyl record, using logo elements and font on a double-sided circular flag sign.

printed vinyl circular flag sign

A closeup of the Studio 631 flag signs, custom printed on vinyl with corporate colors and logo elements

circular flag signs mark studio doors

Each studio is marked with a custom double-sided circular flag sign.

Signage projects often evolve as the process moves forward. Signwave has the creative solutions and flexibility to help solve all your facility signage challenges. Give us a call at 631-761-9292 and see how we can help you!

canvas gallery wraps

Custom Gallery Prints

Your business is unique, and when your office is the “face” you present to the customer you want it to showcase that unique quality that makes you stand out from your competition. One good way to do that is to have one-of-a-kind decor in your office space. A custom-made canvas gallery print is a budget-friendly way to decorate your office. We can use your logo, photos of your staff or facilities, artwork that you have the rights to use, or any other graphic you can imagine to create a custom-sized, bespoke piece of artwork that fits your exact needs.

framed artwork displayed on an easel

Custom canvas prints can be displayed in a variety of ways

Signwave has talented designers on staff that can create the custom artwork you want, and size it to fit the space you want to fill. We custom build each sturdy frame using exacting methods, and have a variety of options for canvas styles on which we can print your design. Once complete, the canvasses can hang directly on the wall for a minimalist look, or they can be framed or placed on an easel for display.

a graphic print on canvas displayed on an easel

Displaying your custom canvas print without a frame gives a minimalist and clean look

Gallery prints are more than just business decor. They would be welcome as part of a year-end award ceremony for meeting fiscal or production goals. Encourage outside creative efforts among your employees by having their artwork turned into a masterpiece, either the art itself or a photograph of the results, and hang them in your facility for other employees to enjoy.

One Signwave customer used a custom gallery wrap as a memorial to his father, using photographs and text. It will hang in his home for all the family to see and remember their loved one.

printed memorial with photos and text

We sized this customer’s artwork and printed a lovely memorial to his father, with a custom-built frame

They also make wonderful gifts if you have a treasured family photo you’d like to showcase.

When you’re ready to turn a special photo or piece of artwork into a gallery wrap for your home or office, call Signwave to help you get started. We’ll create a durable custom piece you’ll love.

Using color to identify subsidiaries in dimensional lettering

A Perfect Season for Interior Signage

Wintertime is Interior Signage Evaluation Time

Why are interior signs important?

Outside all signs point to more cold weather to come, but inside it’s a perfect time to reevaluate your business’s interior signage. Attractive signs are much more than just bits of information to stick on a wall or door. After all, it’s not just your customers that use them as a visual marker. You and your employees and co-workers see them, walk past them, and work under them day after day. A drab, purely practical sign does nothing to inspire pride or productivity.

Cream and blue ADA sign reading "work room"

Do a site evaluation and make notes

Take a walk around your facility and see where you have a generic, off-the-rack sign, a piece of printer paper, or nothing at all to designate the different areas and offices. What message would it send to your employees and customers if you had a custom-made, coherent signage plan in place to increase visibility, decrease confusion, and create a harmonious work environment?

Where can we make improvement?

Consider these options:

  1. Signage in your company colors to designate workrooms, conference rooms, and storage areas
  2. ADA compliant bathroom signs that also sport your company’s logo
  3. Panoramic wall vinyl with photos depicting scenic areas in your town, or your products in action
  4. Cozy, welcoming signage in your staff dining areas
  5. Clear directional signage for your customers and visitors
  6. Custom nameplates for offices
  7. Long-lasting, custom made floor markings for social distancing and safety

Custom Motivational wallCustom Wall Graphics for Conference Room

There’s no better time than today

Right now is the best time to make those interior changes, before the warm weather calls us all outside again. Signwave can implement your vision, or start from scratch and come up with a full site signage plan to meet your aesthetic and your budget. Give us a call for a site visit!

painted dimensional logo on shiplap wall

Take Pride In Your Brand – Logo Signs For Building and Lobby

Like you, we work hard to elevate our brand to prominence, and we all spend every minute of the day to make sure it stays on top. Your logo is the embodiment of your brand and deserves all the attention that you can bring it with signage outside and throughout your place of business.

Your Logo In Lights – Illuminated Property Signage

Whether your business is retail, manufacturing, or service-oriented you want the world to know who you are and where you are. Your best opportunity to succeed is with highly visible and expertly executed signage. Forgive us our moment of pride while we show off some of the logo work we’ve been doing for our customers recently. These are just a few examples of our creative logo wizardry – give us a call to see what magic we can do for yours.

Fabricated Metal Lettersets – Casting A Glow

A custom finish, rendered with perfection, will display pride in your property to all who enter. For this entrance to a luxury property in Woodbury, NY we created fabricated stainless steel letters with a brushed gold titanium finish. An array of energy efficient LEDs cast a halo effect on the brick wall behind to assure a majestic presence day or night.

closeup view of The Preserve sign day and night version

A closer view of The Preserve lettering, day and night versions

The Art Of Channel Letters Done Right

Even a complex logo can be handsomely rendered with the right channel letter design, manufacturing and installation process. Here’s a 50′ wide announcement to the neighborhood of the new business in town that we created for the new Water Lilies Fine Asian Cuisine kitchens in Bay Shore, NY. The elegant flower logo is composed of 14 segments, each its own channel element, with LEDs, custom color front lit translucent polycarbonate, and clear polycarbonate backs for a stunning halo effect.

illuminated channel letters with halo lighting

Front and halo lighting along with an intricate logo design create a strong brand and presence

Inside The Building – Illuminated Logo Signs For Your Lobby, Conference Room or Showroom

Your Lobby Tells Them Who You Are

No other company is like yours. Thus your lobby sign should be like no other. Here’s a unique logo treatment we created for the customer entrance of a manufacturing and distribution company in Islandia, NY. This design features a dimensional logo with red halo lighting, custom color print faces, and a textured wall behind for an extraordinary overall effect.

PVC sign with red LEDs casts a halo effect on the wall.

PVC sign with embedded red LEDs casts a halo effect on the wall behind.

SEG Lightboxes – Perfect For Showrooms

A common style of showroom signage is a silicon-edge graphic lightbox. But the effect can be anything but common. An array of LEDs in a thin wall-mounted frame permit an easily-changed seasonal display rendered in full color graphics on translucent fabric. A silicon edge bordering each print permits easy changeout to keep your messaging current. Learn more details about SEG graphic frames and lightboxes at this article. Also great for tradeshows!

A photograph of SEG graphic ads in a subway

Illuminated silicone-edge graphics attract attention and are easily changeable.

The process all begins with your brand and vision. Let us show you how our design creativity, materials expertise and skilled craftspeople make your logo something of which to be proud.

floor directory interior brushed aluminum

Commercial Building Signage For 15 Merrick Avenue

directory raised lettering brushed aluminum building sign

This newly-renovated office has beautiful brushed aluminum signage as a key decorative element throughout the building, starting with this custom changeable directory.

We recently were called upon to perform a building-wide upgrade of the commercial building signs at 15 Merrick Ave. in Merrick, NY. The customer was upgrading the entire look of the carpets, walls and fixtures of the building and wanted signage with a style and finish to reflect the standard of tenant that they attracted. At the same time they were looking to improve the signage in other ways:

  • create a consistent look and feel for facility signage throughout the building
  • improve accessibility with adherence to 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
  • ensure a safer environment through clearly marked and legible fire exit, stairway and elevator signage.

ADA women's room bathroom signage brushed aluminumADA building signage interior brushed aluminumADA building signage interior brushed aluminum

The signs were made of brushed aluminum with contrasting raised letters and Braille beads. Clearly positioned by all exits, stairwells and elevators were clearly marked traffic flows in case of emergency. We fabricated the directory and tenant signs, those likely to change down the road, with custom frames with magnetic-backed panels. This will allow us to replace individual tenant panels at a low relative cost.

ADA interior tenant brushed aluminum signage

Each tenant in this renovated Merrick office building has its own ADA-compliant office sign in beautiful brushed aluminum.

If you are looking for ideas on how to upgrade your commercial building signage, please give the Signwave team a call at 631.761.9292 or ask us a question with the form on our homepage.

A photograph of SEG graphic ads in a subway

Getting an edge on your competition

When your product and service offerings are changing to meet the fast pace of today’s business, one thing that might prevent you from purchasing signage is the fear of having to do it all over again within a few years, or even a few months. How do you stay current without breaking your budget?

A photograph of SEG graphic ads in a subway

Illuminated silicone-edge graphics attract attention and are easily changeable.

Just take a walk through your local mall and notice how many retail stores are using silicone edge graphics, or SEGs. These are large, usually internally illuminated fabric display cabinets that grab your attention using bright colors, bold graphics, and lighting. And they change regularly, sometimes multiple times within a season. These displays are made up of three elements: a plastic or aluminum frame, strategically placed LED lights, and a dye-sublimated fabric print.

Close up image of how to insert the silicone edge into the frame

The silicone edge easily slips into the frame for one-person installation.

Dye sublimation is a process in which heat bonds ink into the fabric so that the color is bold and long-lasting. Your graphic is printed onto and INTO the fabric, and then a strip of silicone is sewn into the edge of the fabric. This silicone strip slides securely into a channel that runs around the outside edge of the frame, holding it firmly in place so the graphic is taut. The LEDs are permanently affixed to the inside of the frame, so connect the wiring to your electric feed and voila! Your sign is ready for display. There’s only a small sliver of frame visible around the edge, so your graphic takes center stage.

Why are these signs so popular? Changeability and price. Once you have your frame, updating your fabric graphic is as easy as sending a new art file over to Signwave (or having our experienced design staff create one for you). We’ll have a new graphic printed and ready to install in no time. Even better, it doesn’t take a sign professional to do the installation. You or a member of your staff can remove the old graphic and install the new one in a matter of minutes, saving you money.

Trade show display 2

Silicone edge graphics can be illuminated (from interior or exterior sources) or displayed with no lighting.

As perfect as this technology is for retail, it works just as well for trade show graphics and office/showroom decor. An entire tradeshow display can be built from SEG signage, and it can be illuminated from behind the frame or using attached lighting at the top. After the show, the fabric can be removed and folded away, and the frames can be disassembled for compact, lightweight travel and storage. The graphics will last for years and are washable. Another option is to recess the frames into the walls of an office or showroom for an elegant and impressive way to showcase your products and services. Changing the graphics as your business evolves is simple.

Call Signwave and let’s discuss how you can integrate silicone-edge graphics into your marketing plan!

Is My Signage ADA Compliant?

Make yourself more accessible with Braille signage.

When it comes to doing business in an increasingly wide and varied world, one of the many important issues a company faces is accommodating people of differing abilities. The penalties for ignoring laws regarding accessible facilities, information, and websites can be stiff, both monetarily and in terms of customer good will. The Americans with Disabilities Act–the rules and regulations governing what accommodations are fair and lawful for all–is not always clear or concise. If you don’t have an ADA expert on call, how do you know you’re doing everything you’re supposed to do?

ADA signage applies to more than just restrooms.

Fortunately for you, Signwave has the expertise you need to ensure all your signage is ADA compliant. We understand what materials, fonts, and color options are allowed, and why. We know the regulations regarding installation of ADA signage, and what the allowable exceptions are in cases where ideal install locations aren’t feasible. We know where you can let your creativity shine, and where you need to stick with the standard. Let us take that stress off your plate so you can rest easy that your facility provides accessibility for all your visitors and employees, and you’re not at risk of penalty for violating state and federal laws.

Project spotlight: Planet

Dealing with transactions between different currencies has always been a challenge. But with the constantly-changing and complex laws regarding VAT, along with instability in the European markets due to Brexit and various other political factors, the international shopping landscape can be almost impossible to navigate. Enter Planet Payment, a Garden City-based international payment services provider, simplifying the process for both vendors and shoppers around the globe. It was no surprise, then, that when they decided to rebrand they went with a simpler name: Planet.

When Planet called us about the signage they would need to rebrand their office spaces, we jumped into action. We worked seamlessly with Planet’s team of graphic and interior designers to ensure the materials we used would meld perfectly with their vision of clean lines and luxe finishes. And it all started with a logo.

dimensional planet logo

We rendered the new Planet logo in crisp, matte black dimensional letters mounted flat to the wall.

Next on Planet’s to-do list was privacy vinyl for glass-walled offices and conference rooms that lined a busy hallway. It’s important for morale that offices feel open and bright, but no one wants to feel like they’re working in a fishbowl where anyone walking past can look right in. The solution? Beautiful Etchmark vinyl with a slight sheen, with abstract shapes that resemble currency symbols reverse cut from the material. Visually the design ushers you through the space in a very welcoming way.


In the lobby seating area pictured below, we echoed the abstract currency shapes only this time cut from matte black vinyl. Again, using matte finishes and veneers gives a softer, more luxurious feel to the space compared to shiny gloss. When financial institutions incorporate clean, modern design choices like this, what was often considered old and stodgy can suddenly feel more youthful and relevant.


The biggest part of this project by far was the vinyl for the walls. Planet has a very urban vibe, so the designers envisioned wall murals that depicted city life from all over the world. Signwave chose a beautiful self-adhesive wall vinyl that has the look and feel of real textured wallpaper for a fraction of the price (and much easier to install). Even the mostly-white text wall has a complete coverage of vinyl, which is pretty neat if the wall you want to use has scuffs or imperfections you want to cover. It’s like a paint job, only easier!

Changing your business name and image to reflect new focuses and capabilities is a long, arduous process. But once you’ve got your vision pinned down, changing your signage is easy. Signwave has the knowledge, skill, and confidence to help you. Call us today to get started.

Why do I need a custom sign shop?

No matter what industry you work in these days, you have to be aware of who your competitors are and what they’re up to. What services and products are they offering? What are their price points? What have they got that you don’t? Increasingly, we have to be aware of the growing competition from companies whose entire business is operated online.

This isn’t news to anyone, including your customers. As the economy shifts and changes, customers are constantly searching for vendors who can work quicker, cheaper, and better. Or they’re figuring out ways to do the work themselves using how-to videos and suppliers. How does a brick and mortar business survive in that world?

As a company that services businesses, we try and help our customers navigate the paths of brand visibility while dealing with that exact scenario in our own industry.

metallic lobby sign

Brushed aluminum veneer on acrylic

What’s the point of a custom sign when I can get it online?

It’s inevitable. We get a call from a potential customer who wants a particular sign, and they want us to match the price they saw online. What do we say to that? We say, “By all means, if the internet store has the exact size and color and wording that you want, buy that sign.” We don’t want to waste your time or ours proposing something that we both already know you can get elsewhere for less.


What if the sign you saw online doesn’t include the required ADA components? What if you want your sign in a very specific Pantone color to match your logo? What if the size of the sign you saw online is just a tiny bit too large to fit the space you want it to go?

What if you simply don’t know what you want yet and need an expert to guide you through the process?

custom signs, logo signs, window signs, salon signs, sign consultationNow, you need a custom sign company.

Signwave has the knowledgeable sales staff to walk through your physical space with you, and listen carefully to your needs. We can advise you on sizes, materials, and construction. We have talented designers who have worked with innumerable sign-making materials, with the creativity to develop a project that is unique to you. We walk you through all the steps of making that design a reality, working within your budget. We work with your town to ensure all signage is legal and permitted, taking that burden off your plate.

We have the industry contacts to coordinate all aspects of your branding project, from an illuminated sign on top of a 10-story building, to the etched lettering on your office doors, even to the branded napkins you set out for your corporate events. And we have skilled installers to put everything together for a finished project that potential customers can’t ignore, no matter how distracted they are by their mobile devices.

WE are a custom business, to help YOU stand out in the crowd as a custom business. Attract the customers you want so you can keep them with your stellar service, unmatched by any faceless internet company. It’s working for us, and we can make it work for you too.

Painted HDU sandblasted sign

Digital Signs: The Next Step in Sign Evolution

In an increasingly digitized world, digital signage is the next and most logical transition for businesses that want to attract tech-savvy consumers, young people, and customers who simply enjoy technology that is new, interactive, and cool. Examples of digital signage include the entertainment/payment kiosks at your restaurant table, menu boards, up-to-the-minute flight schedule information in airports, and giant billboards in Times Square. All these types of signs provide information, are visually arresting, and can be changed at the tap of a keyboard.

Today let’s focus on the ubiquitous directory sign. Most buildings need them, and it’s very important that they are easy to read and up to date. A digital directory has a lot of advantages over traditional modular-style directory signs, foremost being the immediacy of updates. Not only can management instantly update tenancy information, but they can regularly refresh the design as well as create new and interesting advertising graphics for the tenants on site. Someone may be here to visit the office next door to yours to have their annual eye exam, but as they stop by the directory to find the office’s suite number they are greeted with a colorful ad for your shoe repair business, reminding them to stop by later with those boots that need to be resoled.

Arranging for a new digital sign at your office couldn’t be simpler. You don’t have to be a tech genius! Signwave will walk you through the process, which will include:

  • Onsite assessment where we visit you, take measurements, and talk about your needs.
  • Consultation services: together we work through Signwave’s initial proposal and pricing.
  • Hardware and software: determining which components fit your needs and budget.
  • Installation and commissioning: determining what contract work or permitting needs to occur, then overseeing the professional install crew on the day of installation.
  • Content creation and management: Our design team will create the design and content to your exact specifications.
  • Training and support: Once everything is installed and the content is ready, you’ll have all the training you need for the hardware and software, plus 24/7 phone support.
  • Ongoing service and program evaluation: As you use your service, we can make recommendations for changes or upgrades as you need them.

Our digital display package includes:

  • A high quality brand name digital display
  • Premier tilt mount, On-Wall Cabinet Enclosure, or In-Wall Cabinet Enclosure
  • Lifetime Software License
  • Content Design
  • First Year Content Management
  • Onsite Installation
  • 24/7 customer support

There are 3 different mounting options, to fit any space or budget:

The tilt-mounted directory is most cost-effective and easy to install.

The on-wall cabinet directory has added security because the wiring is inaccessible to the general public.

The in-wall cabinet directory has a seamless, professional appearance but has a more involved installation process.

Are you ready to bring your office into the digital age? Call Signwave at 631-761-9292 and let us show you how easy it can be.

Textiles – Your New Branding Medium

Recent breakthroughs in the manufacture of durable fabric media have opened up a new world of printed, washable fabric options for your signage. Custom printed fabrics do more than just decorate your office and shop–they integrate with your marketing plan in any budget to create interest and spur sales.

While dye-sublimated printed fabric graphics are everywhere–airports, trade shows, retail stores–what’s new is our ability to create beautiful custom decor items for your business or home using our onsite latex printer, with a durability never before available.

Expand your vision of “signage” by imagining how custom printed fabric can enhance your office or retail shop.

Custom branded pillow

Use a simple logo on a pillow cover to make your waiting area couch a comfortable resting spot AND a marketing tool. Use it as part of a window display for your hot new inventory–imagine shoes or jewelry resting on a cloth throw with your store’s logo.

Custom-printed curtains

Window draperies can promote your brand or set a mood. Fabric creates a soft divider between office areas compared to walls or cubicles, having a positive effect on customers and employees alike. Print your logo on a large curtain that will cover the glass on your salon space or conference room, sliding easily to one side when you want an open view. Signwave can take your project from concept to production, including sewing.* Or we can deliver a printed fabric for you to craft into your own one-of-a-kind item.

For the ultimate in fabric branding, create a unique piece of furniture. Custom chair upholstery conveys a message that your company is solid, long-lived, and deserving of trust. Use your company logo and colors, or match your interior designer’s site plan.

The infinite options available through design and texture will support your marketing by creating an instant reaction in all your visitors. Whether your company style is whimsical or serious or anywhere in between, Signwave will take your vision and create for you the perfect custom fabric for your interior design projects.

Call Signwave today at 631-761-9292 to get started!


*Ask us about pricing for including sewing in your project. Signwave does not upholster fabric but can contract the upholstery job for you.


business sign, restaurant sign, community sign, signage, sign company, vinyl, privacy vinyl, etch vinyl, executive office sign, branding, privacy, window sign, glass sign, door sign, long island sign company, corporate office sign, window treatment

Make Establishments Exclusive with Privacy Vinyl

Does your office need to keep its information confidential but doesn’t want to sacrifice the natural lighting that large windows provide? Perhaps you want to insulate your storefront from harsh sunlight or the glare of headlights shining through the window? Privacy vinyl can do that job for you. Also known as “etch vinyl,” it can serve multiple purposes in signage.  Here are some ways privacy vinyl can help your business or establishment: Read more

color precision, color match, color perfection, color matching, sign color

Getting the Sign Colors Right

“Close Enough” isn’t good enough when it comes to your brand. Good signage has to match a business’ brand — everything from the establishment’s overall aesthetics, to the packaging, even their ad campaigns. If signage and branding don’t match, then recognizability will suffer as a result. A sign might be highly visible, but it won’t “click,”if it doesn’t connect with the product or business. But when it’s done right, when the sign colors and style match the brand, your signage will stand out and bring the customers in.  
Read more

Property sign for Brentmako, Long Island, NY

What kinds of signs do you need for your business?

There are so many types of signage that appear inside and outside of office buildings, commercial properties, hospitals and campuses. Each one gives an impression to all who work and visit there. What is your property signage saying? Let’s look at a few of the many ways your signage can help give your property appeal – or turn your visitors away:

Employee Entrance sign

Employee Entrance sign at Designatronics

Wayfinding and directional.

Are all parking lot entrances and exits clearly marked? Are the signs visible from the road, and from enough distance to assure drivers know where to turn in? Are the signs durable and attractive? Once in the parking lot, do visitors know how to navigate to the parking area and building entrance they need?

Exterior building signs.

Northport Wellness Center outdoor directory sign

Outdoor directory sign for a Medical Center in Northport, NY

Is the property management company clearly identified? Is branding of anchor tenants clearly visible? Is window signage used in attractive ways? Is all signage in compliance with local regulations?

A&E logo wall graphics

A&E logo closeup

Lobby signage.

Is there a directory of tenants that allows visitors to know how to reach their destination? Are all appropriate safety signs displayed? Is all signage in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act? Are elevators, staircases and public facilities clearly marked?

We can help with a sitewide audit of your signage to make sure it is doing all it can to make your property shine. Fill out our contact form, or give us a call at (631)761-9292.

lobby sign

Is Dimensional Signage Right For Your Lobby?

We get many requests from companies in need of lobby signs with their logo. Some are moving to new office space, others are looking to upgrade their existing lobby signs. We’re always glad to discuss their concepts, answer their questions, and make recommendations.

Dimensional lettering mounted over custom wallpaper

Dimensional letters can be mounted over custom wallpaper

A look at our gallery will show that there are a multitude of material options and styles to choose from. One option is custom wallpaper with the company logo incorporated directly into the design. Logos can be rendered in vinyl directly to a painted wall. Alternatively, a glass, acrylic, metal or wood panel can be mounted to the wall and flat vinyl of various colors, textures and sheens can be applied to it.

The most popular option is to render the logo with dimensional letters and logo shapes. These can be fabricated from acrylic, PVC, metal, wood or various other materials. They can have various finishes – gloss or matte, metallic or clear, wood grain – the imagination is the limit. The dimensional characters can be mounted flush to the wall, separated from the wall on spacers, or mounted to a backer panel made of an equally dizzying variety of material and shape choices.

dimensional lettering close-up

Depending on the material chosen, the narrowest stroke width is about equal to the thickness of the material.

In order to render a logo as a dimensional object, the letters must have an adequate minimum thickness (or “stroke width”) to be manufacturable. Even the most precise laser cutter or strongest acrylic will have challenges with certain designs. Depending on the material chosen, the narrowest stroke width is about equal to the thickness of the material. Thus, if you wanted to render a logo in ½” acrylic, consider that the minimum line width should be ½” as well.

But what if your company logo includes thin, delicate lines? There are still dimensional options available. Logos can be routed, engraved or carved in relief – on metal, wood, acrylic or PVC. A skilled and creative signmaker is up to the challenge of creating even the most challenging designs in a dimensionality that will upgrade your office lobby instantly.

Let’s talk about what works best for your logo in the interior space of your lobby. Drop us a line or call 631-761-9292 to arrange a consultation.


grand “lightning” logo rendered spectacularly in window perf

Signage Speaks Volumes for a Distributor in Islandia NY

If Your Walls And Windows Could Talk, What Story Would They Tell?

When Helios Tattoo, a manufacturer and distributor of premium inks, needles and supplies to the tattoo trade moved into their new headquarters in Islandia, NY, they wanted to make sure that their lobby, showroom and offices broadcast their brand to all visitors. That’s where Signwave’s specialties lie – in truly custom and unique brand identity designs for corporate environments.

Projects for the Helios headquarters include custom wall treatments

Projects for the Helios headquarters include wall treatments, lobby signage, window and door graphics, warehouse signage, and vehicle graphics.

We started with an overall consultation to understand what they were hoping to achieve with this project. We knew that we needed to provide wall wraps for their tattoo studio, window graphics to make an exterior impression, and a one-of-a-kind lobby wall. We broke the project into separate phases and deliverables to assure that the customer was satisfied with each sub-project before moving onto the next.

Phase 1 was the wall wraps. We worked closely with the Helios designers to create the image files that would show their brand at its best. We selected a matte calendared vinyl for the walls that we laminated with luster overlam to minimize glare under the studio lights but still make the images pop. Only seven days after design approval, their first guest Pro Team artists were cheerfully creating their amazing body art in the newly-wrapped Helios Hideout.

Translucent etch vinyl and white cut vinyl achieve maximum visibility.

Translucent etch vinyl and white cut vinyl achieve maximum visibility.

Next came the doors and windows. The front door obviously needed to present their logo to the public, attractively and with maximum visibility. We used a combination of translucent etch vinyl and white cut vinyl to achieve this. With printed color logos on their other doors, they were ready to move on to the grand “lightning” logo, rendered spectacularly in window perf. Window perf is a perforated adhesive vinyl that is perfect for office window treatments. It permits light to enter (thus not blocking the view from inside) while providing a full graphical brand treatment for outside the building.

Phase 3 was completed last week. We brought a number of samples of various wall textures to their team for selection and they immediately settled on a dramatic faux wall texture of brown stones with grey grout. We needed a lobby sign that would create an unforgettable impression, so we created a PVC sign with embedded red LEDs to cast a halo effect on the wall behind. The result was an eye-popping, dramatic welcome to all Helios visitors.

Signwave’s team isn’t done yet. Additional projects for the Helios headquarters include wall treatments for the offices, warehouse signage, and vehicle graphics.
We’re delighted when customers are pleased with our creations!

PVC sign with red LEDs casts a halo effect on the wall.

PVC sign with embedded red LEDs casts a halo effect on the textured wall behind.

We’d love to help you design your interior and exterior spaces too.

Drop us a line or call 631-761-9292 to arrange a consultation.

Using color to identify subsidiaries in dimensional lettering

Building Client Confidence Through Office Signs

When the financial services organization The WizdomOne Group was moving into a new office suite in Islandia, New York, they wanted to create a reception area and conference room that cemented an impression of excellence in their visitors’ minds. They worked with a commercial interior designer for their furniture and carpeting, and called in Signwave to coordinate wall treatments and signage with their selected color palette. Signwave designed three separate areas of focus:

A reception desk backsplash sign.

Dimensional signs add a look of distinction to any professional office space. We recreated their logo on acrylic and metallic letters and shapes, and mounted them on spacers. We created a faux wood backer panel to give the whole welcome area a professional and luxurious touch.

A coordinated wall treatment for the lobby.

One challenge this company presented us with is how to show the four separate entities that were under their umbrella organization. We accomplished this by creating a wall treatment with acrylic stud-mounted letters, all in black, with one letter in the color of that subsidiary. Uniting them was a custom wallpaper treatment with a subtle print of their logo underlying it all.

Custom wallpaper for the conference room.

We brainstormed with the customer regarding what brand impression they wished to create, and developed a series of designs for their approval. All agreed that this custom “dictionary definition” look made the perfect impact. Our color managed print process created the image on textured wallpaper, in subtle shades of grey.

Visitors to their office are continually impressed with the beautiful signs that Signwave created for this new office space. Call us at 631-761-9292 for a free consultation to see how we might help boost your visitors’ confidence.


Lobby Sign for Long Island Tech Company

Lobby Signs In Line with Business Technology

Design and materials compliment one another in this bright contemporary business sign.

A glossy acrylic logo with dimensional lettering set the tone in the reception area for this forward-thinking company. We followed the contour of the gel-effect iconography to make it pop, with just the right color and contrast.

Vinyl graphics and lettering for the door reinforce the brand identity and welcome visitors, while allowing people entering and leaving to see through the glass.

The signage helps make the brand memorable.

Computer-Aided routing followed by hand-crafted finishing give a clean look to this company’s corporate ID signage in the reception area and on the glass door.

Hospital emergency sign

Responsible Wayfinding Signs for Healthcare Facilities

Directory signs make it clear to visitors which way to go

Multiple entrances. Long corridors that all look the same. Ongoing renovations and organizational changes.

How does a patient or visitor know which way to go? This is more than a matter of convenience in a healthcare facility. Visitors are already in a state of stress if they or a loved one are seeking treatment. It’s our responsibility to make the journey from their arrival to their destination as fast and frictionless as possible.

“We had a big problem with the visibility of the site signage at our Medical Center. Customers and visitors couldn’t figure out which entrance to use, and tenants were clearly unhappy,” explains Fran D, of the Northport Wellness Center. “We needed new directory signs both inside and outside our facility.”

Driving, walking, or waiting. Make it painless with well designed informative signage.

Women restroom sign close up

Let’s take a step back and define wayfinding in basic terms: a system of visual cues that guide visitors from point to point. This starts with vehicles approaching your property and finding the most efficient point of entry. It may end with a room number or other designation. It should guide the individual approaching your facility on his or her own, and also provide for safe efficient flow of traffic in crowded areas.

Directional signs, one step at a time.

Reception in dental clinic design in a modern style

In very large facilities, a common mistake is to try to list too much information in a single sign. Only the most pertinent information should be given at each intersection or point of decision-making. This technique, known as progressive disclosure, keeps the visitor from getting confused and eliminates wasted effort comprehending irrelevant information. At the same time, repetition is a good thing. Every 25 or 30 feet, it’s a good idea to remind people where they are and where they are headed.

Northport Wellness Center saw the benefits of updating their signage right away, and continues to evaluate and improve the flow of traffic throughout their facilities. Signwave presented us with options and discussed materials and pricing, matched our color and design requirements,” said Fran. “We’ve since called them back for several other projects, and are very happy with their recommendations.”

With clearly visible signage at all entrances, well placed directional signs, legible designation and relevant information, we can improve productivity and enhance the patient experience. This means fewer missed or late appointments, less distraction among employees from visitors stopping to ask for directions, and ultimately, a higher rate of visitor satisfaction.

Let’s review a signage plan for your changing facility. Call Signwave at (631) 761-9292 to get started.


Wayfinding signage system in a parking garage

ADA Compliance and Signage: Thinking Beyond Braille

Have you ever gone down the wrong corridor in a hospital or office building? It’s frustrating, right? Imagine how it feels if your vision is impaired, if you are having trouble walking, or if you are already suffering from anxiety. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) aims not only to ensure against discrimination, but also to avoid this kind of distress in public facilities.

Braille in the elevator? Absolutely. But it’s just a start.

Design your sign system to enable and empower all visitors.

Accessibility, even according to the law, is rather loosely defined. Any physical or mental impairment that substantially limits an individual from navigating your facility is considered under the ADA. Examples include standing, walking, speaking, breathing, seeing, hearing, learning, sitting, reading.

This applies to all kinds of signs: designation, means of egress, directional, and informational.

Both visual and tactile characteristics have impact. RV, or Raised Visual signs, can be tremendously helpful to someone whose vision is impaired and who may not read braille, including the chromatically challenged. Raised lettering can also help with lighting, as cast shadows counteract glare in changing daylight. Visual Only, or VO signs, are more vulnerable to lighting anomalies, but with consideration of surface finish and contrast we can maximize visibility and enhance the visitor experience.

Restroom signThe importance of legibility is easy to see.

While illumination, color, and contrast are important, viewing distance is also essential to consider. Font weight and size, the height at which signage is mounted, and the approachability of signs should be optimized for the widest possible range of readability.

Consistency is key — placement of signs should be predictable — but unique markers help to make sure the corridors don’t all look the same. Well placed murals, infographics or decorative motifs can help differentiate one hallway or building from another.

When your signage system guides, informs and assures the visitor, navigation is efficient and stress-free.

Let our expert team guide you in making your facility more accessible. Call Signwave at (631) 761-9292 to learn more.



Mounting a sign

Why Signs?

Signs are everywhere we look. Adhered to doors, windows, walls and floors. Hung from ceilings. Wrapped around cars, vans, trucks, boats, planes, skateboards and helmets. On poles in the ground, on brick walls, on edifices, on your desk or on your office building 600 feet off the ground.

Signs are there to tell you what to do, where to go, how to get there, and what the rules are. Signs are the most effective, yet least expensive, way to tell the world about your organization or business.

A sign is your introduction and handshake with those passing by, identifying your business to existing and potential customers. It is an opportunity to make a favorable first impression.
Most businesses, regardless of size, rely heavily on signs. On-premise signs tell people who you are and what you sell.

A sign is a critical piece of any business, and a good sign is a critical piece of a good business. We know that our customers are not sign experts, nor are we experts in our customers’ businesses. We will work closely with your team to create the right sign, using the right design, the right materials, on schedule, and on budget.