Vehicle wraps and graphics.

Roadworthy options and opportunities.

Full and partial wraps for cars, trucks, trailers and vans.

Top: The Signwave Sedan commands attention on Long Island. Lower Left: A full trailer wrap displays key information and a call to action including phone number. Lower right: Partial wraps work well for vans where windows may call for a different material than painted surfaces.

Call 631-761-9292 for a quote.

Brilliant graphics can be achieved with adhesive vinyl. Vehicle wraps are beautiful and functional, designed for clarity and readability. We’ll handle your brand identity properly, matching your colors and fonts.

  • Tell us about your display needs, property and fleet requirements, logo and corporate guidelines, and any design challenges. We’ll offer answers that compliment your brand.

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Read: Six Ways Vehicle Wraps Accelerate Sales.

Signwave LLC • 82 Bridge Road • Islandia, NY

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